Compare car insurance options in Denmark

Car insurance in Denmark

Every Danish inhabitant who owns a car needs a car insurance. All cars must be covered by third party liability insurance. The main goal of this third-party liability insurance is to cover injury or damages that may be caused to other people or their car. It is in Denmark compulsory to have liability insurance before you can register your vehicle. There are different types of car insurances in Denmark. You can get the third-party liability coverage, but also extend this with many additional coverages that can be combined in different ways. You can get the insurance tailored to your personal needs. Once you have found the perfect coverage you can easily arrange everything online.

Comparing car insurance in Denmark

There are multiple Danish car insurance companies on the market. Companies like GF Forsiking,, Idaforsikring and Tjenestetorvet are the most frequently used car insurance companies in Denmark. Comparing all car insurance companies can be time-consuming. We have listed the most reliable car insurance companies in Denmark below.

Cheap Quality ✘ ✘

* offers different packages or custom coverage.

Car insurance premiums can vary between companies. It would be wise to obtain a different quotes before taking out a car insurance. Each insurance company has their own system of no-claim policy. Always be sure to check if the no claim bonus from your country can be transferred to a Danish policy. Are you wondering which company offers the best premiums and which company is more flexible with their no-claim policy? We have listed the best car insurance companies in Denmark below.

There are 2 types of general insurances in Denmark:

    1: Compulsory third-party liability coverage (ansvarsforsikring in Danish). As explained above it covers any injury to other people that you may cause when using your car. Moreover, it covers liability for any damage you may cause to other people’s property. Also, it covers the to-bar on your car. Note that if you drive with trailer or a caravan that these must be ensured separately.

    2: Comprehensive insurance (kascoforsikring in Danish); covers the damage or loss to the vehicle – this is not compulsory. Most Danish car owners have this extra coverage since it only costs a small additional payment and the benefits can be huge. If you have an old car – this may be not worth the extra money, but if your car is in good state; it would be smart to take out this additional coverage.

You can also take out a third-party liability insurance and add several additional coverages which can be combined in different ways. Additional coverages can be: theft, damages caused by fire or collision, road assistance abroad or legal aid and rescue aboard. You can add these additional coverages on the website of the insurance company.

Insurance for an imported car

It is not possible to take out a car insurance for vehicles registered in another country outside Denmark. The vehicle should be imported and registered within 14 days of obtaining a CPR number (personal identification number) or within 14 days of arrival in Denmark.

The best car insurance in Denmark

Car insurance Great comparison platform that offers outside of car insurance also home and health insurances. Drivers who compare quotes before buying a policy can save a lot annually. Feel free to see the different options that they offer on their website.

Car is the largest comparison website in Denmark. This website enables you to get car insurance offers from different companies. In that way you can choose the company that fits best to your personal budget and preference. The quotations are 100% free of charge. is an excellent platform to inform yourself about the different car insurance companies in Denmark. All you have to do is fill in your number plate and the platform will tell you which insurance is best for your car.

Car insuranceOne of the best car insurance companies in Denmark is Global Forsikring. Global Forsikring is an insurer that is well known in Denmark. The company ensures more than 15.000 cars in Denmark alone. They have one of the easiest car insurance calculators in Denmark. You can fill in your number plate and their calculator will offer you different packages and premiums. They will send you the policy to you via mail or email when you accept. You can take out your car insurance easily online – you don’t even have to get up out of your chair.